GunnHacks 11.0 Logo

Make, Build, Create & Learn. It’s GunnHacks 11.0, Gunn’s 24‑hour high school hackathon!
January 25-26, 2025 | Gunn High School Library

Haven't signed up yet? It's never too late!


I am a hackathon
I'm a Beginner Coder
I'm a Veteran Coder

Make, Build, Create & Learn. Join GunnHaXI, the eleventh iteration of Gunn’s annual hackathon!

In a hackathon, participants compete in teams to create a programming project within a given time limit. At the end, projects are then rated by a panel of judges, and the winners get cool swags and prizes! At GunnHaXI, the project can literally be anything, from games to data visualization, from Discord bots to AI-powered assistants. GunnHacks welcomes all beginner coders with varying coding experiences (or even none!)—there will be several coding workshops, from basic programming to web development and AI, to help you get started. Our experienced staff will also be available to offer technical help and advice. All you need to get started is an idea, and what you can do is just limited by your imagination!

GunnHaXI is a 24-hour event, which means participants are given a 24-hour time frame to complete your project. (Of course, most participants sleep a little.) At the end, participants will give a quick presentation and their project will be rated in 4 categories: technical difficulty, practicality, creativity, and user experience. The best projects in each category, as well as overall, will win prizes. A special prize is also reserved for the best beginner teams!

GunnHaXI is a great opportunity for beginners to learn and become acquainted with coding. It’s a lot of fun, too, with a host of mini-events throughout the night. So whether you’re a programming veteran or someone who has never touched a line of code before, we invite you to join! The registration link is here. (Only PAUSD students are allowed to participate at this time.)

GunnHaXI is dedicated to an inclusive experience for all. All hackers are expected to follow the GunnHacks Code of Conduct.



What is a hackathon?


What if I can't stay overnight or need to leave in the middle?


Who can attend?


What if I don’t know how to code?


What can I build?


How big should teams be?


What if I don’t have a team?


How much does it cost?


Do I have to work the whole time?


Where is GunnHacks?


When should I sign up by?


What if I have another question?


January 25 (Saturday)

1:30 PMDoors Open
2:00 PMOpening Ceremony
2:30 PMTeam Formation
3:00 PMHacking Begins
3:00 PMIntro to Code Workshop
4:45 PMBasic AI and ML // Web-scraping Workshop
6:30 PMDinner
7:00 PMCoding Trivia Kahoot
7:45 PMWeb Development // Discord Bots Workshop
9:30 PMCow Drawing Competition
10:00 PMMovie Night

January 26 (Sunday)

8:00 AMBreakfast
10:00 AMProgramming-themed
12:00 PMLunch
3:00 PMHacking Ends
3:00 PMPresentations & Demos (Judging)
4:00 PMCode Golf
5:00 PMAwards & Closing Ceremony
5:30 PMAwards Distribution
6:00 PMCleanup & Doors Close


Top 3 Prizes

  • Echo Dot
  • Bluetooth Speaker
  • Wireless Headphones

Category Awards

  • Gaming Mouse
  • Power Bank
  • Cube Power Stripe
  • 512GB USB Flash Drive

Mini Event Awards

  • Big Enter
  • Axolotl Plush
  • Mooshroom Cow
  • Stress Toy
  • Cup Keychains


Ashly Joseph

Ashly Joseph

Software Engineer, Cisco Systems

Oren Yair

Oren Yair

Technical Program Manager, Google

Jithu Paulose

Jithu Paulose

Cisco Systems

Jean-Yves Bouguet

Jean-Yves Bouguet

Director of Perception, Cruise

Vincent Scheib

Vincent Scheib

Software Engineering Manager, Google

Lawrence Chang

Lawrence Chang



To sponsor our event, email us at

Jane StreetBranding OutXYZThink FundCity of Palo AltoDesmosStanford Research ParkDigiPenGunn PTSA